Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Big fundraising push for my sister's medical expenses

So far using the ChipIn! widget on the side of this blog, I've raised $330 to go towards my sister's medical expenses, and a friend mailed a check for $25. That's a total of $355 so far. I recently found out that friends and family back home in Tennessee are holding a benefit for her on November 6. I'd LOVE to be able to send her a check for $500 that she could open at or before the benefit.

Can you help reach that goal?

If you do not do any online banking, you are welcome to mail a check to me at the following address:

Tonya Rosenberg
P.O. Box 611
Issaquah, WA 98027-0023

Please put "Loretta's Medical Bills" in the memo line.

**UPDATE: October 24**

Sissy has had her first chemo treatment. Apparently she had a pretty adverse reaction (like an allergic reaction) and is not feeling well. The next treatment is November 8, two days after the scheduled benefit.

For those of you in Tennessee - my family and friends still in McMinnville - here is the basic info that I have regarding the benefit:

For Loretta Lynn Ritchey's expenses related to breast cancer
Place: Centertown Community Center
Dinner plates will be served starting at 5:00pm
There will also be an auction. If you have any goods or services you could donate for the auction, please get in touch and I'll help you get connected with our Mom.